A better life with
your dog starts here.

We’re here to help.

With a passion of helping dogs heal, Bad to the Bone Training has set out to make true, internal, lasting change in each and every dog we work with. Utilizing Training Between the Ears techniques and principles, we strive to effect and change not only behavior, but the emotion driving it. By bringing heightened awareness to the positive behaviors your dog already does, and decreasing the undesired behaviors, we deliver lasting results and a stronger bond between you and your furry friend. So what are you waiting for? Let’s help your dog heal!

Training to fit any lifestyle.

A True Furry Family


Welcome to the family! We are a 4-legged loving home with 3 dogs, 2 bunnies, and a lot of compassion for those who know the stress difficult dogs can have on life. But regardless of our dog’s behavior they are family, and we are here to help your furry family heal! Feeling hopeless? We have been in your exact shoes. Change is possible and we are here to guide you through the journey that is not only training, but also creating a better life for your whole family. So what are you waiting for? Join the Bad to the Bone family today, and start creating the change and healing you and your furry family members deserve!


Worried your dog’s behavior is too difficult to fix? No need to fret.

We specialize in difficult behaviors such as resource guarding, aggression, reactivity, anxiety, hyperactivity, and fear. Call today and learn how our positive techniques can help you and your one-of-a-kind furry friend!

Behavior is the Outcome of Thought and Emotion.

Our training methods are based on Training Between the Ears (TBTE) techniques and principles. TBTE was developed by Mark and Stephanie McCabe, and is based on Mark’s 32+ years of training experience with dogs that most other trainers had written off.

TBTE is a system primarily for solving behavioral problems, which involve a number of techniques that all support Mark McCabe’s primary objective of removing conflict from human/canine relationships and training. To the greatest degree possible we set out not just to change the external behavior of the dog, but actually change the internal states and perspectives of the dog which is what truly drives the problem behaviors. It is TBTE’s goal to help a dog not only be able to choose not to do bad things, but to get the dog itself to prefer to behave in ways that are better for their happiness, emotional and physical wellness, and success in their world.

It’s time to start creating the change you crave. Contact us for a free consult today!

call or text: 440. 590. 5294 | email: info@badtothebonetraining.com
Appointments available 7 days a week!